
Author's Gossip

Monday 1 August 2022

When love becomes an enermy

 Poisonous Love

“I love your sad tenderness –when I’ve hurt you –That’s one of the reasons I could never be sorry for our quarrels.”
–Zelda Scott Fitzgerald

angry face illustration
Love is not always as charming as it may seem on movie screens or between pages of books. Sometimes, love fails to deliver the vision of perfection to an extent that it hinges on toxicity. A toxic love holds a dark side to it where two people might be drawn to each other nonetheless. 
However, the strong passion fails to compensate the harm they might be doing to each other. We can understand this twisted side of love in relation to relationships where a partner might be an addict, infidel or abusive. But despite the knowledge, the other person allows them chances to improve their behaviour. At times, it is not the absence of love that can make a relationship toxic but the presence of other forces stronger than love which hammer the emotions of both partners until they are unable to find salvation. 

A History Of Toxic Love..
When we take a look at the past, the history of Henry IV with his beloved mistress Margaret of France sheds light on toxic relationships and what they really did. Henry VI was quite famous for his infidelity and married Margaret when his own wife could not bear him children. However, Margaret was also known as a licentious woman and neither of them could remain loyal to each other despite their strong feelings of love. As a result, Henry VI framed Margaret’s lover Joseph Boniface de La Mole as committing treason by conspiring against him and got him executed. 

These kinds of dysfunctional relationships have existed throughout the past. One of the many famous accounts of toxic love in the history of England is that of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. When they fell in love, no one could have seen what was coming to these two lovebirds that apparently could not part from each other. When Boleyn failed to bear Henry a son, he decided to execute her. She could not have seen it coming to flee from the place and eventually, lost her life to the whimsical king. 

Edward VIII fell in love with one of his mistresses Wallis Simpson whose only interest was to spend time around the king and flirt a little. Both of them were married and ended up having an affair. However, Edward VIII acted like a love-struck Romeo and forced Wallis to marry him even when she did not think it was in their best interest. In the end, she caved in and they ended up living in exile and Edward VIII receded to the title of Duke of Windsor.
The royalty of England has always shown the twisted and dysfunctional side of love which is often ignored. However, these kind of hopeless love affairs are not limited to the kings and monarchs. 

Authors Toxic Love Experience 

The authors of England have also been in toxic relationships which give one perspective about the many sides of love. For example, the famous Romantic poet Lord Byron fell in love with Caroline Lamb, another literary figure of her time. Caroline was married and that caused them both great distresses.

“…[N]o other in word or deed shall ever hold the place in my affection which is and shall be most sacred to you, till I am nothing.” These are the words Lord Byron wrote in a letter to her. Both of them had a love-hate relationship and would channel that anger through their literary works until they had to officially part. 

Edith Wharton, the author of many famous literary works, fell in love with a journalist named William Morton Fullerton. Although their affair was passionate, Fullerton was engaged and left Wharton to never look back again. Despite his promises, he did not deliver leaving Wharton high and dry. 

One of the most dangerous and dysfunctional of these twisted relationships was the one Oscar Wilde shared with his homosexual partner Alfred Douglas. Although, they were madly in love, but they lived in a time when this love between men could have been conceived. 

Eventually, Wilde was tried for his crime of love and Douglas betrayed him by sharing his letters with the authorities and marrying a woman.


Toxic Celebrity Romance

When it comes to toxic relationships, celebrities are not safe from it either. Rihanna and Chris Brown are famous for their dysfunctional and abusive bond. 

While Rihanna was in love with Chris, he did not stop being abusive and hit her. This relationship ended with them finally breaking up. 

Arianna Grande’s relationship with Pete Davidson was all over social media too. As they got engaged, many people wished them well while others though there was something wrong about their dynamic. These later thought process turned out to be true when the two lovers parted because Pete Davidson was going through a hard time. It took a toll on their relationship.

We are all familiar with Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez and how they could not resist each other. Despite all the love, the two of them kept breaking up due to Bieber’s infidelity and lack of trust. They finally stopped seeing each other after a while and Bieber married Hailey Baldwin.

Just a couple of months ago, it was rumoured that Amber Heard had been physically assaulted by her partner Johnny Depp. In turn, she hurt him too. They looked picture-perfect on the camera but things went differently behind closed doors. In other words, it was simply a twisted tale of love just like many others.

These are some accounts of celebrity relationships which could not last despite the fact that the pairs loved each other and looked like they would last forever.

As Shakespeare put it in Much Ado about Nothing:
“Love goes by haps; Some Cupid kills with arrows,
Some with traps.”

Toxic relationships usually emerge when one or both partners have unresolved issues and they project them on each other. From monarchs to celebrities, no one can escape a bad relationship when things do not work out.


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